GoCertify Observes the Memorial Day (U.S.) Holiday

Today is Memorial Day here in the United States. It’s a federal holiday, so the GoCertify home office is closed until Tuesday. Memorial Day honors the American citizens from all walks of life who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is spiritually akin to Veteran’s Day (Nov. 11), which honors all Armed Forces members, including those who did not die while serving.
We’ll return to our regular schedule of operations tomorrow. Ordinarily, we would introduce a new Memorial Day-themed quiz at this point, just so that nobody feels too lonely while we're away. Due to scheduling constraints, however, we're going to try something a little different this year.
We've been commemorating the Memorial Day holiday with a special quiz — either hammered out in the GoCertify workshop, or borrowed from the team at our unofficial sister site, CertMag — since 2017. So today we're offering a roundup of past quizzes. If you remember them all perfectly, well, that's impressive. You know all of the answers already.
If not, or if you're new around these parts, then we hope you'll enjoy this retrospective.
2017 Quiz — Famous Memorials Around the World
2018 Quiz — Memorial Day Trivia Grab Bag
2019 Quiz — Notable U.S. War Memorials
2020 Quiz — Notable U.S. War Memorials, Part 2
2021 Quiz — John Logan, the Father of Memorial Day
2022 Quiz — Ironton, Ohio (site of the oldest Memorial Day parade)