Season's Greetings from All of Us at GoCertify

We hope that everyone out there is enjoying a special and relaxing day with family and friends. We aren't expecting too many visitors to drop in here at GoCertify on Christmas Day, but perhaps we'll see you at some point this weekend. At any rate, it's been an exciting year and we want to thank everyone in the GoCertify extended family for making it all possible.
Among our other accomplishments, GoCertify created a whole new web site from scratch in 2015, bringing GoCertify India online at the start of April. The first "offshore" site in the GoCertify family is thriving and we've been thrilled with the results to date.
We also made a major change to the GoCertify status quo this summer when we began publishing new practice quizzes on a weekly basis. Quizzes have been the most widely used "legacy" content at GoCertify for years, and we're proud to be expanding that part of our self-service certification toolkit.
GoCertify has also handled management and supervision of Certification Magazine and since 2013, and it was a very good year for those properties as well, with four new salary surveys compiled and published — one in each of our four quarterly issues — and a new one on the way.
We've also expanded GoCertify's presence at major IT certification conferences and events. We criscrossed the United States and visited India in 2015, and we're hoping to leave an even larger footprint on the certification map next year.
And that's all in addition to publishing our regular flood of infomative certification articles and commentary. We're not planning for GoCertify to slow the flow of first-rate IT certification information any time soon. We intend to have a strong voice in the worldwide conversation about IT certification for years to come.
We could do any of it, of course, without the encouragement and engagement of the wonderful and diverse community that supports GoCertify, GoCertify India and CertMag. Thanks for sticking with us and we look forward to serving you in 2016.
Merry Christmas to all! And remember: No matter who you are, or where you work, it's never too late to think about firing up your career with a blast of IT certification: