TestOut offers rare discount on all-in-one certification training package

On the How Big a Dent Is This Going to Make in My Wallet scale, certification training materials can fall anywhere from "large" to "give us the wallet and everything in it and we'll call it good." Even the most basic self-study guides can set you back an amount of money that you probably haven't paid for anything printed on paper since the last time that you had a list of textbooks to buy in college.The prices go up from there, depending on whether you're hunting for computer-based training, or sniffing around the realm of seminars, workshops and boot camps. Simply put, IT certification training tends to be costly.
That being the case, deals on training materials shouldn't be taken lightly, and right now there's a massive savings available from IT training provider TestOut. The TestOut folks are well known in certification circles for their LabSim computer-based training product, which teaches computing concepts using high-fidelity simulations that require students to walk through and complete IT tasks as if they were doing them in real life. For the first time since 2012, TestOut has revived its popular year-end blowout promotion. It's not technically a blowout in the "everything must go" sense of the term, but you can actually get everything TestOut sells for one incredible low price.
TestOut training products cover 14 certifications in all. Five are unique to TestOut, the PC Pro, Network Pro, Security Pro, Windows Client Pro and Windows Server Pro credentials. In addition, TestOut training labs prepare you to pass CompTIA's A+, Network+, Security+ and Linux+ certs; select Microsoft MCITP, MCTS and MCSA certs; the SSCP offered by (ISC)2; and Cisco's CCNA. During its year-end blowout promotion, from now through Dec. 31, TestOut is offering its entire training library for just $995. That's a savings of $1,000 on the cost of cheapest training library bundle TestOut normally offers. But if your really want your eyes to pop, consider how much it would cost to purchase all of that training a piece at a time: $7,130.
TestOut products are hugely popular with high schools and colleges where students are venturing into IT for the first time. The TestOut training library is a great way to lay a foundation for a long and prosperous IT career. So if you or someone you know would like to switch to IT from another field, or if you know a student who'd like to get a foot in the IT door, this is a sweet deal indeed. It bears noting that only TestOut's Pro exams are included in the cost of its training materials. You will need to pay the normal fee charged by the certification provider to take the CompTIA, Microsoft, (ISC)2 and Cisco certs that TestOut training prepares you for.